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The Power of Light

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                                                                The Power of Light

Col.1:13-14:-Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:-In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
“Then God said let there be light and there was light. And God saw the light that it was good, and God divided the light from the darkness” (Genesis 1:3-4).

The Hebrew word translated in this context shows light as illumination, something that clarifies, brightens and brings happiness. The Bible says God saw that the light was good. Darkness is the opposite of light. Darkness depicts evil, something not good, chaos, confusion, ignorance, etc. Below are some of the qualities of light.

The only solution to darkness comes from the word of God. Jesus came in as the light of the world and human history changed for a new era.

Quantifed effects of Light

1.Light dissolves obscurity. Darkness buries human abilities, darkness buries human talents.
2.Light brings clarity and Enlightenment. It brings understanding and that understanding is the food of faith.
3.Light brings direction and Purpose Psalm 119:109.
4.Light brings acceleration and Vector motivated swift velocity. The difference in the speed of people is the light they have. Illumination determines acceleration. The reason some people’s joy is so sluggish is the absence of light. Association determines acceleration.
5.Light brings restoration.
6.Light brings distinction: It says arise and shine for thy light has come, Isaiah 60:1.

The believer in Christ is commanded to arise and shine because he has light (Isaiah 60:1). The Bible says the gospel of Jesus Christ is the light of the glory of God. It is this light that believers in Christ receive when they give their hearts to Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). The gospel makes its recipients to shine in this dark world, because it is the light of God’s glory. Light reigns because it shines and overcomes darkness. However, the extent of the shining and reigning of the believer is determined by the amount of light (revelation knowledge) he or she possesses and walks in. True believers radiate the glory and brilliance of God in this dark world.

Light heals and recreates: It is reportedly known that a good number of babies are born jaundiced. Jaundice is a liver disorder that causes the white part of the eyes and skin to turn yellow. Though potentially dangerous, it has an easy cure. The baby is put under a special light. The skin absorbs this light and stimulates the liver to start functioning well. Human beings are morally and spiritually sick because of sin. The truth of the scriptures is the light that heals us of spiritual sickness.
Light dispels darkness and expels wickedness: Satan is called the prince of darkness. His agents and demonic spirits are called the rulers of the darkness of this world (Ephesians 6:12). His kingdom is called the Kingdom of Darkness. He majorly rules his dark kingdom with fear, ignorance, hatred and deception. The Bible says light shines in darkness and the darkness cannot understand nor overpower nor extinguish it. Light wins over darkness without a fight.  Faith in God, the love of God and the truth of the scriptures are embodiment of the light of God. These qualities when possessed by the believer make him or her to overcome the darkness of this world.

Light rules and enforces dominion: The Bible says God created two great lights on the fourth day of creation. The greater light He created was to rule over the day, and the lesser light to rule over the night (Genesis 1:16-19). To rule is to exercise authority or dominion over something. The believer in Christ rules over sin, sickness and death because of the understanding which the light of God’s word provides him or her. What one understands he gains mastery over. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life” (John 8:12). Our understanding of redemption, forgiveness, sanctification and justification gives us mastery over the deception of darkness.

Light quickens: It enlivens and produces life. For most living organisms, life ebbs or ceases to be when light is no more. Plants live by photosynthesis. They convert sunlight energy into food and produce oxygen for mankind. Life and light are mysteriously inseparably linked. Jesus said those who follow Him will have the light that produces and leads to life. Life means being present with God both in this world and in eternity. Darkness is the absence of God.
(Genesis 1:2-5), light exposes (Ephesians 5:13) and shields (Romans 13:12)

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: (1 Peter 2:9).

The underlined portion of the verse above lets you know your present location; you’ve been brought out of darkness into God’s marvelous light. That light is the “light of life” that shows you the path of success, victory, and dominion. It’s like what the Lord did for the children of Israel back in the Old Testament; He brought them out of Egypt, which represented darkness, into the Promised Land, which symbolizes light!
The Kingdom to which you belong is superior to the kingdom of this world where sin, sickness, disease, and infirmities hold men in bondage. You’re not subject to the darkness and decadent systems and structures of this world; you belong to the heavenly Kingdom of God’s elect: it’s a land of glory, prosperity, beauty, honour, and excellence, where you partake of the glorious inheritance of the saints in light.
Enforce the Kingdom Light that Comes through the Revelation Knowledge  that comes through the Portals of Encounters in the Word of God.


  1. Amen, The Light of God illuminates all.


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