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Deeper Prophetic Realms

I believe in the value of prophets to the present day church. The prophetic ministry is one of the most misunderstood ministries in the church. And, it is one of the most important. Why do I say that it is one of the most important? Because without a fully functional prophetic ministry in the church, we are a body of believers without eyes or ears.

In the natural, if someone lost both their hearing and seeing, we would call them disabled. Inother words, they have lost something significant to the quality of their life. For a person to lose either hearing or seeing, requires significant change in that person's life. But to lose both hearing and seeing, creates an almost impossible circumstance for the person and those who want to communicate with that person.

It is rare that someone can overcome all the challenges associated with being confronted by such a difficult circumstances. And, there are rare exceptions, like Helen Keller, who was able to overcome her inability to hear or see. But, today's church doesn't need to operate in the realm of disability that Helen Keller did in the natural. And, we don't need to confine ourselves to the natural. We can enter the supernatural.

God's supernatural realm is available to each one of us today. But, few of us actually enter into it on a regular basis. We occasionally move into the supernatural and think we are special because so few are functioning in that realm. Let me assure you, there is more available. God has opened the door for His church to enter into His domain - the supernatural.

Prophets are guides, as we enter into the supernatural realms of God. Prophets have "been there" and "done that". At least, this is what normal prophets should have had happen in their lives. God confirms his calling on prophets through supernatural circumstances that surround their lives. The supernatural is the very essence of the prophetic ministry. And, this is why we need prophets.

Prophets, who are ordained by God, have the privilege of guiding the church into this dimension of the supernatural realms of God. This is the deeper place of calling upon prophetic ministry. When prophets are fully functioning in their calling, they will easily guide those who hear them into this realm. This is why so many were attracted to the ministry of  John the Baptist. John opened heaven through his words even though he did no miracles.

The miracle ministry often flows hand in hand with the deeper realms of prophetic ministry. But, not always. Miracles follow believers. Signs prepare the way for the believer to move into the supernatural realms of God. Don't misunderstand the difference! Signs point us to the place of proper footing in the supernatural realm. We need them.

Wonders, on the other hand, come from the supernatural realm, as we have entered into it. When moving into the supernatural realms of God, don't be timid, but do be cautious. Not everyone who says they are prophets actually are. Not everything in the supernatural is from God. There are demons and demonic spirits. This is why we need to be cautious and use wisdom.

Satan comes as an angel of light to deceive and mislead those seeking entrance into the supernatural realms. But, he can do this only if we are not "wise as serpents" and "harmless as doves". Prophets help us avoid the pitfalls of seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. Prophets help us keep a proper perspective on the person of Jesus Christ.

True prophets will focus on the person of Christ; they will lead others to Christ. Any prophet who does not make Christ their primary focus will often become a casualty on the spiritual battlefield of life. Prophets become shipwrecked when they lose the compass of Christ. Don't lose your compass! Hold on to it; it is how you know where you are and where you need to go.

The Christian compass of Christ will guide us safely into the deeper realms of prophetic ministry. Knowing a prophet or prophetess who has learned how to use this compass will keep us on the path of life, as we enter the supernatural realms of God. We need life. We need power. We need purpose. All of these can be found in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Don't lose this focus in your walk with God. It is essential to entering the deeper realms of God. God doesn't mind opening the heavens to us, as long as we are seeking to gaze upon His Son. Seeing Jesus and knowing Jesus is the primary purpose of deeper prophetic ministry.

The Spirit of Prophecy
There is a shallow end that all can safely use
“Everyone can prophesy” – 1 Cor 14:
This is inspirational prophecy with an aim to encourage, build up and comfort people
This is the most common form of prophetic utterance in the church
Called “Congregational Prophecy”
Consists of anointing of the Holy Spirit that enables people who are not prophets or who do not possess a prophetic gift to prophesy
Especially during a time of corporate worship
1 Corinthians 14:1, 5 – when Paul declared that he desired that all would prophesy – it was this level of prophecy he had in mind
it was not a general call for everyone to become a prophet or have a prophetic ministry
Rev 19:10 – “testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”
Every spirit filled believer can reach up into the spiritual atmosphere and receive from the Holy Spirit (who is present), a revelation for the group they are in at the moment.
The worship leaders are often the ones who lead the people into this place with the Lord – where the Spirit of the Lord is present
It will be a present thought of what God thinks and feels toward His children
Often consists of Scripture that are positive and flowing in the direction the worship and service is going
It may also be a spontaneous word from the Father’s heart
It may be a description of a picture the Lord is showing
then requires someone to intrepret and apply the picture so all may benefit
It will (must) be edifying, exhorting (encouraging) and comforting
seeks to bless people and glorify the Lord in simple terms
It is out of order to be directional, correcting or rebuking
Both in the context
and by who is giving the prophecy
It only takes a small amount of grace upon a person’s life to flow in this level of prophecy
Though ideal for the person to be living a commited and separated life unto the Lord
it is not as high a requirement as the other levels of prophetic
When this anointing falls upon a group of people, even backsliders have been known to prophesy with great inspiration – 1 Samuel 19:20 – 23
A person who prophesies in the Spirit of Prophecy may never do it again
Though they could if they will tune themselves and flow in the atmosphere
Prophecies in this area will not be as detailed and rarely include any foretelling
They will be edifying, exhortation and comforting – but will not tell of things to come
The Gift of Prophecy
A little bit deeper in the spirit
This is more than just everyone can prophesy as Paul states regarding the spirit of prophecy
This manifestation of prophecy is limited to a fewer number of people
This is a gifting grace from the Holy Spirit
1 Cor 12:4 – “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.”
 V.7  –“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”
V. 10 – “to another prophecy”
The Spirit does not give to all – but to certain ones
Everyone can flow in the Spirit of prophecy, but “to some He gave the gift of prophecy”
The Holy Spirit did not give the gift to all!
We do not all have the same spiritual gifts
Different parts of the body to do different tasks and functions
These gifted ones are not dependent upon a spiritual atmosphere
They can move in the gift at any time under the moving of the HS
They can use the gift in any situation – not just in the assembly (spiritual atmosphere)
The gift of prophecy is a resident gift and can be utilized at any time by those who are developed in the gifting – Acts 21: 8– 11
Believers who regularly receive impressions, dreams, visions or other types of revelation
This group receives more regular prophetic information then the first group, yet substantially lacks clarity and understanding what it receives
They will edify, exhort and comfort
But will also contain other aspects of revelation from the Spirit
They should be given training and mentoring to grow in their use of the gift
Hearing the voice of God
Discerning the voice they hear
Decreasing their own content & increasing God’s content
Deal with the issues in the soul so as to not pollute the prophetic word as it passes through their soul
With practice, their senses can be trained –
 Heb 5:14 – “But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.”
The leadership will begin to recognize the gift and allow some room in the assembly

Prophetic Ministry
In a swimming pool there is a middle section where the water gets progressively deeper
Likewise in prophecy there is a time when some people will push on in a gradually deeper expression of the heart of God
– note the dashed lines
Some will move deeper through desire, training and experience
Continual use of the gift of prophecy will begin to push us in the direction of the Ministry rather than just casual use of the gift
The leadership can usually count on this person to have something from the Lord
The leadership has learned the content value of their words to be high

Believers whose gifting has been recognized, nurtured and commissioned for regular ministry in the local church
They primarily operate in the sphere of the local church
A ministry function empowered by a strong anointing that rests upon an individual at all times
It exceeds the first two levels in commitment and calling
commitment – requires a lifestyle that is devoted to the prophetic
calling – oftentimes preparatory for those who will later function as mature prophets
It grows out of the gift of prophecy
It means getting into deeper waters in terms of our faith
Believing for more specific and revelation and words instead of the general inspirational type
It will broaden our use of the gift to include a wider range of people, situations and activities
We will need to consider a more extensive set of issues than just handling prophecy in the local church
We need the dual revelation
The general word of Scripture
Scripture can provide general guidelines and life principles on a multitude of things that pertain to our lives, relationships, fellowship with God, marriage, work, home, church and ministry
To be allied with the specific word or prophecy
– which supplies the fine and specific detail  to the general principles outlined in Scripture
Prophetic ministry is different from the gift of prophecy
There is increased
responsibility for the words they are giving
growing in character
yieldedness – brokenness
relationship with Holy Spirit
Prophetic ministry is concerned with the church
Prophetic ministry brings God’s perspective, releases vision and calling and undermines the enemy
It has one hand in the past and one in the future – but is able to bring both elements into the present to help make sense of what we are going through
The knowledge of both the past and God’s purposes for the future often bring a radically different perspective of current events
This is the main sphere of influence
The direction the church can take
Who will lead
How we will get to our destination
It is concerned to see the church fulfilling his call
It draws attention to the majesty and supremacy of God in times of trouble
This prophetic perspective gives  faith and hope and the energy to fight on and break through
The prophetic ministry will start to teach others how to move forward in their spiritual gift of prophecy
Will have those they are teaching/equip
Will have those they are mentoring
They will have earned the respect of the local leaders
Pastors will need to learn how to effectively nurture these prophetic ministries and incorporate them into the ministering life of the Church
Develop a working Protocol that is “upfront” and known by all
before there are difficulties and challenges
Those in the Ministry of Prophecy have learned how to work within the boundaries of the local church Prophetic protocol

Prophetic Mantle
This is a further progression of the gift from the Holy Spirit
Not everyone with gift of prophecy will move on
Though they could if they devoted themselves to it
This is the person who has been faithful with their gift and in the area given (little things)
Now the Lord begins to open a larger sphere of ministry and influence
Have been faithful in the “little” things so now flowing in “more”
They still are significant in the local church
Growing maturity and influence in the local church
Ministry begins to move out of the local church into areas of civil and community interests (not on national level)
The Lord starts to give them a voice for the larger community and region
Becomes influential in community affairs
Speak to community leaders, politicians
speaks with members of city council, editorials in newspaper
Write editorials to the local newspaper
Radio and TV get their reaction
They give warning to regions of things that are coming
They speak God’s mind and heart into decisions that are being made
Prophetic mantle will fall upon a person who was in close association with a prophet or group of prophets
 i.e. Elisha/Elijah – 1 Kings 19:19; 2 Kings 2:15
There is increasing
growing in character
relationship with Holy Spirit

The Office of a Prophet
Note the solid line!
It is important to note the one does not merely grow into the office of a prophet
It is not through the development of a spiritual gift that one becomes a prophet
Ephesians 4:11 – 12 indicates that Office of a prophet is a special governmental gift given by Christ gift
This is a special calling by Christ the head of the church
not the development of a spiritual gift given by the Holy Spirit (gift-ministry-mantle)
The office of prophet – means that a person’s particular spiritual gift/office has been recognized by the church and that the person is authorized to engage in open ministry centered around that gift
Three issues in recognizing a person is in New Testament prophet:
certain level of supernatural giftedness
evidenced by regularly receiving divine information from the Holy Spirit
validity of this gift is proved over time
not an issue of having just one prophetic word regardless of how accurate or spectacular it seems
Godly character is an essential mark of a true prophet
Jesus said he would know true and false prophets by their fruit
the fruit Jesus is referring to includes the Holy Spirit’s presence and sanctifying work in the person’s life
there is a brokenness, a kindness, a selflessness and a compassion that have the mark of the Holy Spirit on them
these people diligently seek to cultivate holiness in a deep passion for Jesus in their lives
also, fruit of prophetic ministry includes the kind of impact is made on others
Matured wisdom of God has come through experience and relationship with the Holy Spirit
this wisdom enables the person to be an instrument of the prophetic knowledge and power of God in a way that builds up the people of God and the purpose of God
this wisdom is foundational to using the prophetic in a manner that will build up the local church
 Essential ingredients of development in prophetic ministry
The sovereign gifting and call,
the intense processing that leads to brokenness before God and
the discharging of the prophetic ministry
To possess this office, one is required to have a sovereign calling, extensive training and multiple encounters with the presence of God
Their credibility is established by their long proven track record of accurate prophecies
This doesn’t mean they are infallible, but rather their words are to be taken more seriously than others words
The prophet will continue along the same lines but go ever deeper into the supernatural realm of hearing God and being his mouthpiece
They are able to move in the spirit, gift, ministry and mantle – but more!
The prophet lives in the realm of forth telling, rebuke, affirmation, revelation, a limitation, divine utterance, prediction, encouragement, dreams, visions, exhortation, correction and ministry confirmation – Ephesians 2:20; 4:11 – 12; 1 Corinthians 12:28
They give lots of personal prophetic words
Prophet will see into the motives of people’s hearts, the secret things, bring out what the Lord is needing to show and call people to action
They can give direction, correction and rebuke to churches
In the process they will build up the Body of Christ
Methods of operation and the end product will be different between individual prophets
Some prophetic ministries are rooted in evangelistic and pastoral situations
Others use their gift to open up difficult issues because the prophetic ability is channeled through the word of knowledge
Some are clearly involved in forth telling – using Scripture messages to inspire congregations with a timely and relevant word
Others move particularly in revelatory prophecy in a predictive manner
Some move only in personal prophecy while others are more happy speaking corporately
One of the major things they will do is equip the other saints to move in the gifts of
Word of wisdom
Word of knowledge
They are able to teach and train others in how to do it
Not just do it themselves out of their own giftedness
A prophet is concerned with holiness and purity and is seeking to prepare the bride of Christ
They build the church and establish kingdom values and practices for Christ’s return
Eph 2:19 -20   “Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but ellow-citizens ith God’s people and embers of God’s household, built on the foundation of the postles and prophets, with Christ esus himself as the chief cornerstone.”
They are one of the 2 offices from Christ that lay foundations for the church
The prophet operates in a governmental office – directing and correcting the church
They will invest the church with supernatural faith as they both forth tell the word of the Lord and foretell his purposes
Prophet has a kingdom perspective that will motivate the church universal towards a practical unity of the Spirit
A prophet will speak to churches, cities, regions and nations
They operate heavily in
Word of wisdom
Word of knowledge
Discerning of spirits
Their words will be heard by those in authority – church leaders, kings and governments
Jer 1:10 – “ See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”
At other levels – build up, stir up and cheer up
uproot, tear down,
destroy and overthrow
Then Build and Plant
Their words will be accompanied by signs and wonders in healing miracles and clear signs of the supernatural presence of the Lord and his hosts
The office of prophet is also a trans-local ministry
Not just centered in the local church
Will travel all over the world.
Important rule is to learn the specific sphere of influence
Knowing the boundaries is just as important as locating the territory
Influence and activity will expand to relationships and by development and opportunity

The Office of Apostle – as it relates to prophecy
Note the solid line
It is important to note the one does not merely grow into the office of a apostle
It is not through the development of a spiritual gift that one becomes an apostle
Ephesians 4:11 – 12 indicates that Office of an apostle is a special governmental gift given by Christ
This is a special calling by Christ the head of the church
not the development of a spiritual gift given by the Holy Spirit
There is another whole level of the prophetic that flows through apostles that is not there with prophets
The office of apostle – means that a person’s particular spiritual gift/office has been recognized by the church and that the person is authorized to engage in open ministry centered around that gift
Apostle – sent one who establishes and builds the church
They plant churches and ministries
They are the master builders – laying the foundations of Jesus Christ in the church
Also other functional, governmental and lifestyle foundations
Prophet is a messenger to the church and is recognized by the hearers as a divine Channel of fresh revelation
Fresh light brought upon biblical truth
Teacher explains and enforces Biblical truths
Apostles prophesy at a depth more than prophets or other prophetic people
See callings
See ministries
See areas of the world people are assigned to – spheres
They see destinies
They can see the next 20-30 years of God’s good plan for the person
They see the large picture
They prophecy to great depths and often in tremendous detail
While prophesying, they inter-weave signs, wonders, healing, miracles
All 9 of the gifts of the Spirit will be involved while prophesying
One of the major things they will do is equip the other saints to move in the gifts of
Word of wisdom
Word of knowledge
Gifts of healing
Working of miracles
All the other gifts of HS
They are able to teach and train others in how to do it
Not just do it themselves out of their own giftedness
See other apostles and call them out
See other 5 fold ministries and call them out
more so than the other 4 fold ministers do
Call out and appoint elders in the local church
set other ministries in place in the local church
Impart spiritual gifts to the other 5 fold ministries to be able to do the calling
 Rom1:11- “I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong”
Can also direct, correct, discipline, rebuke
Can tear down and build up
Jer 1:10 – “ See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”

The importance of development

We must look at our prophetic ability and practices and plan to upgrade them
These things do not just happen
People need training in prophecy as much as they do in prayer, warfare, worship, sharing their faith and praying for the sick
When beginning in prophecy there is a large mixture of our thoughts/impressions/feelings competing with the mind of the Spirit
Most often prophecy is a mixture of our words and God’s words
Sometimes this yields a “mature” word that reflects ideally what God would like to communicate
Sometimes his word is communicated in a much less than ideal fashion, yielding a “weak” word of lesser value – but still not to be despised
There are no clear-cut standards for deciding if a person is at a certain level or exactly what the distinctions truly are
Some are not biblical distinctions – while others clearly are
These are simply categories that help us to communicate with each other more effectively
As we receive training, discipleship and opportunity to move in the gift – we develop our listening potential
We learn to filter out our own thoughts
Discern the voice of the enemy
To hold onto the word of the Lord
As we receive training, discipleship and opportunity to move in the gift – we develop our purity in delivering the word
Less flesh added
Proper emphasis in places the Lord puts the emphasis
In the realm of prophetic ministry there is less mixture
The person is growing into the gift and establishing credibility and a good track record
When tired or upset or other factors distracting us
Then the scale slides and the % of God and % of man shifts
more of man and less of God
This is a cautionary note to know when to quit
In congregations
Those with gift (ministry/mantle) or office of prophet should judge the prophecy given by those giving from the Spirit of Prophecy
Without adequate training, our gifting will not reach beyond a certain level
One of the main causes of difficulty in the prophetic realm today is the lack of development, training and discipleship
Without proper healing in the inner man from the wounds of sin and others
Our soul will color the Word of the Lord
Our emotions will entangle themselves
We will hurt people
We will speak more of our own words
As they move into the prophetic office
They come into a greater flow of revelatory anointing and responsibility
On the national and international scene
 We are called to weigh what is said – 1 Corinthians 14:29 – 30
Even prophetic office and office of apostle – still must weigh and test words
However good and reputable the prophets or prophecy may be
Including those occasions when an audible voice is heard from heaven as it were
1 Thessalonians 5:20 – 21 –“ do not despise prophecies.  Test all things; hold fast what is good”
If the prophetic utterance is from God, and the Holy Spirit will bring the words home to our hearts and give us an internal witness of the fact that it is indeed something God is saying to us
Important to see the differences between:
Poor prophecy
Weak prophecy
Average prophecy
Strong prophecy
These distinctions allow room for people to grow and develop
in character
in spiritual sensitivity
in protocol
These distinctions allow for the unique separate class the Bible calls “false prophet”


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