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Showing posts from June, 2018


“Nations await the rising of the Lord’s army. We can defeat strongholds – individual by individual, then by groups, cities, regions and nations. We must neither quail at the enormity of the task nor rush foolishly in where the Holy Spirit has not led. We must develop more discipline and corporateness than we have ever known. Self-disciplined behavior must replace our personal desires.” It is now time that we, as intercessors, pray and believe that God will touch entire cities and nations by His mighty power.  God has given us the authority to do this in prayer. Remember that earth is the Lords and everything in it. God’s army of intercessors must arise. There are essential keys to apply personally and corporately in order to see major strongholds broken. What are these keys in seeing the strongholds broken over cities and regions? There is much satanic counterattack when you war against corporate strongholds.  You must first know how to deal with strongholds in y...


Do you realize that movements on earth govern movements in heaven? Do you realize that a child of God in prayer affects decisions in heaven? The Lord declared: “Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven  ( Matthew 18:18 ). So awesome is this power that it releases angels to do God’s bidding on the earth and binds demons as it destroys the purpose of the enemy! Prayer – A Place of Supernatural Protection Job tells us there is a secret place, known and available only to God’s children. And when God’s children enter into it, only then is the power of God activated on their behalf and on behalf of those in desperate need: “ There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture’s eye hath not seen: The lion’s whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it”  ( Job 28:7-8 ). There is a path, a place which no fowl knows. That place is the secret place, that glorious ...


Deeper Prophetic Realms I believe in the value of prophets to the present day church. The prophetic ministry is one of the most misunderstood ministries in the church. And, it is one of the most important. Why do I say that it is one of the most important? Because without a fully functional prophetic ministry in the church, we are a body of believers without eyes or ears. In the natural, if someone lost both their hearing and seeing, we would call them disabled. Inother words, they have lost something significant to the quality of their life. For a person to lose either hearing or seeing, requires significant change in that person's life. But to lose both hearing and seeing, creates an almost impossible circumstance for the person and those who want to communicate with that person. It is rare that someone can overcome all the challenges associated with being confronted by such a difficult circumstances. And, there are rare exceptions, like Helen Keller, w...