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Guiding the Sure Gift of Prophecy

Every move of God, outpouring, time of refreshing and relevant truth for a particular generation has battled its own particular demonic resistance. That also holds true for prophetic ministry.
Apostles and prophets are both apostolic gifts, apostolic in the sense of being sent-ones, foundational in calling, and given to serve the body of Christ and equip the born-again believer in distinct ways. One particular, yet pervasive tactic of the enemy against prophetic ministry is the introduction of faux prophetic operations and unhallowed defilement.
True prophetic people have seen false prophets precede them. This makes the acceptance of their ministry much more difficult. The reason for this is because prophetic ministry is a stalwart opponent of Satan. To stop the prophetic ministry, the enemy must interpose a counterfeit, something that looks and sounds like Christ’s true prophetic ministry but is not. Satan is the master deceiver and knows ancient weapons of seduction needed to deceive all save the most mature and discerning.

Christ is still calling, training, activating and sending His prophets into the world He loves. Even as prophets are sent into the world there remains a continuing effort by the prince of darkness to introduce prophetic defilement into prophetic ministry. This is why emerging prophets need to learn from seasoned prophets and established spiritual leaders. These prophetic contaminants are deceptive cancers sent to vitiate true prophetic ministry. Like cancer, prophetic debasement is progressive. Sometimes prophetic defilement is dormant or hidden and at other times hideously apparent.
Once I was with several people praying and heard some of them prophesy. I was uneasy in my spirit because there was something that wasn’t quite right. Maybe you have been in meetings like that too. Something appeared foreign and strange. I couldn’t seem to put my finger on it at the time, so I continued to pray. As time went by the Holy Spirit began to talk to me ever so softly. “There are things in their lives defiling them. There is no longer a desire for holiness, they have a blend, an unholy mixture.” That unholy concoction He called “prophetic defilement.” It can be likened to that “strange fire” the sons of Aaron brought into the temple that ushered God’s judgment on their lives (Leviticus 10:1). As you read this work pray, the Holy Spirit increases your spiritual discernment. You may be familiar with the spirit of Jezebel that attacks prophetic ministry but let’s examine these less familiar and unholy contaminates too.



Satan has been diligently implementing his strategy of prophetic defilement. For you to be effective in prophetic ministry, you must not be seduced by his deceptions. Throughout this essay, we will unmask various demonic assignments that introduce unholy mixtures into the prophetic ministry. “How could it happen,” you ask? Are there any early warning signs? Can we protect ourselves? Are there foreign spirits training prophetic people? How do we discern the true from the false? These are some of the questions we will explore. Let’s get started.

We are in the times of “the restitution of all things,” including prophetic ministry (Acts 3:21). There continues to be a restoration of prophets and prophetic grace released in our generation. Christ has not changed since his resurrection and ascension. God is still giving gifts to men. He continues calling, training, activating and releasing prophets into His Church.
There was a time, not too long ago, when the only five-fold ascension gifts embraced within the Church were evangelists and pastors. Many didn’t even identify the unique ascension gift of teacher. Yes, many believed there were evangelists, but some taught there were not any prophets and certainly were no apostles. Today this has changed and many agree that there are five distinct ascension gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers all called to perfect the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12). As a prophet, you already know that. Christ didn’t remove any ascension gifts from His Church, and all five are still vital and functioning today. With the restoration of all five gifts working together, we can expect at least five things to happen:
  1. There will be a greater release of true prophets, speaking with true prophetic utterances throughout the Church.
  2. The devil will oppose prophetic ministry by releasing deceitful spirits into the prophetic ministry speaking with mystical voices.
  3. There will be a danger of true prophets speaking with false prophetic utterances. These false prophetic operations will release defilement and discredit the true prophetic ministry.
  4. There will be a strong prophetic release that will make a way for restoring God’s apostolic government within local churches.
  5. There will be a separation of true prophets from deceived prophets into different companies leading to a prophetic confrontation with foreign spirits of divination such as Jezebel and Baal.
Spiritual confrontation within the prophetic ministry is historic. Examples include Micaiah, Elijah, and Jeremiah. Micaiah contended with King Ahab’s prophets, and Elijah and Jeremiah battled the prophets of Jezebel and Baal. The Apostle Paul and Barnabas also confronted Elymas the sorcerer who withstood them at Paphos. The true will always face-off against the false. Jeremiah’s prophetic ministry is an example of that face-off. His apostolic assignment and prophetic confrontation took place because the prophetic ministers of his day:
  • Failed to address sin
  • Pursued idols
  • Concentrated on amassing personal wealth
  • Pursued power, status , and prestige
  • Did nothing to turn the people from sin toward God
  • Led the people of God astray
Because of neglect of God’s house and self-centered idolatry in the land, God anointed Jeremiah to oppose an erring prophetic movement that was leading people astray. Let’s take a look.

“Mine heart within me is broken because of the prophets; all my bones shake; I am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine hath overcome, because of the Lord, and because of the words of his holiness.” (Jeremiah 23:9)

Jeremiah, speaking by the Spirit of God said, “My heart is broken because of the prophets.” Notice he didn’t say false prophets. The word prophet means prophetic voice. In other words, Jeremiah’s heart was broken because of the false prophetic operations of these wayward prophets. We can see the anointing of the Spirit on him as he shakes under the power of God. He looked like a “drunken man.” This shaking is an indication of the powerful anointing that engulfed him.
He had the Word of the Lord in his mouth and was made ready to address the prophets in the land. A prophetic showdown was about to take place. Prophetic ministry can’t avoid spiritual confrontations with worldliness, carnal Christianity and faux prophetic operations. This is part of prophetic ministry. Scripture says God seeks for a voice that “calls for justice and pleads for truth” (Isaiah 59:4). Prophetic ministers answer that call.


Let’s review Jeremiah’s confrontation with sullied prophets. Remember, this is the same prophet that God called to root out, pull down, destroy and throw down (Jeremiah 1:10). Let’s see that calling in action because you may face the same battles.

The Spirit of God said “the land was full of adulterers.” An adulterer is an unfaithful spouse. Serving God in spirit and truth is serving Him from a pure heart. One becomes a spiritual adulterer by putting something, someone or something foreign between them and God, even their ministries. 

“For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right.” (Jeremiah 23:10) 

Abandoning God for something or someone else is committing spiritual adultery. God said these adulterers were evil and their acts erring. As their corruption continued without interruption the nation became full of adulterers, the land mourned and the people lacked true spiritual revelation of God. “What brought about this corruption,” you ask? It happened because the people became apathetic, self-centered, and idolatrous.


During Jeremiah’s confrontation the heavens were brazen because the prophets and priests led people away from God. The consequences for the nation was grave, the heavens became as brass. Spiritual climates are affected by the actions of prophets, priests and inhabitants of the land. Sin, rebellion and idolatry will harden spiritual climates. Scripture says, 

"And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass...” (Deuteronomy 28:23). 

You are probably familiar with the list of blessings in the book of Deuteronomy including blessing and prosperity but this verse makes it clear the heavens turn as brass for the disobedient. As a prophet you understand spiritual climates. Those who have ministered in various meetings notice big differences in spiritual climates. Some churches are wonderful to preach in having open heavens, while others are hard as stones with closed heavens. A brazen heaven is a spiritual climate that must be plowed through strong intercession, confronting sin and living right. Hard heavens are the result of:
  • Sin
  • Rebellion
  • Demonic influence
  • Strong territorial spirits
  • Evil principalities and powers
  • Practicing idolatry
  • Backsliding
  • Worldliness
  • Upholding deceitful doctrines of devils
  • Legalism, self-righteousness and hypocrisy
Hard heavens have little, if any, revelation. When you pray hard heavens feel like your prayers hit the ceiling and fall back into your lap. When you prophesy the words come out of your mouth and seem to fall to the ground. Not only are the heavens hardened because of sin and idolatry but spiritual strength and maturity is hindered too.

“...the earth under you shall be as iron.” (Deuteronomy 28:23) 

When the earth is like iron nothing grows. The land was defiled because of the fruit of sin and the ministry of deceived prophets. Where there is no growth there is can be no spiritual maturity in the people. Prophets are the ministry gifts called to war against principalities and powers in the heavens. To win those battles, however, requires spiritual confrontations with opposing spirits even within prophetic circles.
Every nation, including North America must beware the fruits of idolatry and sin caused by rebellion. When prayer was removed from our public schools June 25th, 1962, for example, the alternative was lawlessness. Whenever one rejects what comes from God they have to live with the opposite. If they don’t want the Prince of Peace they get the prince of calamity. The same holds true in prophetic ministry. If true prophets don’t guard the prophetic ministry the Church will suffer under the whoredoms of Jezebel and the merchandising prophets of Baalim.


God revealed to Jeremiah that His house was full of wicked prophets, priests and corrupted ministers. Surely this grieved the man of God. Scripture says,

“For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, saith the Lord.” (Jeremiah 23:11) 

The word “profane” means soiled, polluted, defiled and corrupted. These prophets and priests crossed God’s holy threshold and entered the dark side. A threshold is the divider between two rooms. When you walk through a doorway there is a metal or wooden threshold on the floor that separates one side of the room from the other. There is a spiritual threshold that is a separation between the Holy and the unholy. When one is profaned they have stepped across the threshold of holiness and entered the realm of the wicked. This scripture teaches that some prophets morally abandoned holy operations and crossed the boundary from holy living into prophetic defilement. Both prophets and priests were living in sin but they didn’t quit the ministry. Their sullied lives hindered God’s plan for them, the Church and released spiritual divination into the land. This is the environment that the spirit of Jezebel and false prophets flourish. This is the spiritual climate God sent Jeremiah. As a prophet you may face the same.

From studying this we discover two different prophetic operations. First, we see that Jeremiah was very different from the other prophets in the land. Jeremiah managed to live a holy life whereas the others fell into sin and idolatry. Second, we discover there were true prophetic operations and false prophetic operations in the land. It’s interesting that God never addresses the erring as false prophets instead He focuses on their prophetic operations. The true prophetic operation released blessing and the false corruption. Jehovah didn’t turn his back on His Church. He prophesied to the corrupted ministers.

“Wherefore their way will be to them as slippery ways in the darkness: they will be driven on, and fall therein: for I will bring evil on them, even the year of their visitation, saith the Lord.” (Jeremiah 23:12) 

God pronounced that these prophets would have “slippery ways” and lack true spiritual discernment because of their corrupted lifestyles. They had no spiritual insight because they were walking in darkness having defiled themselves. Spiritual darkness opened the way for foolishness.

“And I have seen folly in the prophets…” (Jeremiah 23:13). 

“Folly” is acting rash, stupid, foolish, senseless and lacking common sense. These prophets sounded spiritual, looked the part, had the prophetic buzzwords, yet were void of biblical soundness, stability and discretion. They acted foolishly and lacked spiritual and emotional balance in their lives. Their idolatry produced amoral behavior that caused them to lose true spiritual discernment and right prophetic operations. The problem was the average person didn’t know these prophets were not speaking the truth. This can happen today if prophets get caught up in the glitz and glamour of celebrity Christianity. Satan waits for opportunities to entice both prophet and priest by seductions for public attention, admiration from men and the deception of earthly riches. Others are deceived because they seek the supernatural rather than Christ our Savior.


God revealed the finale of their contaminated state, they prophesied by another spirit. He told Jeremiah, “They prophesy by Baal and caused my people to go astray” (Jeremiah 23:13).

“If they were prophesying by another spirit why didn’t the people turn away from these ministers,” you ask? It’s because many good people don’t know the Word of God good enough to tell the difference. If the delivery or mannerisms of the minister appear spiritual they let their guard down and don’t judge the biblical accuracy of the message. We have this problem in the Church today and it’s getting worse every day.

Because of God’s love for people he sent Jeremiah to deal with deceived prophets. Can you imagine Jeremiah telling these prophets they were prophesying by a foreign spirit? Could you do that? Baal is a spirit of divination. A true prophet of God will not allow people to go astray. Even if their heart is not open to God’s representative, he will speak to them without compromise and out of a right spirit. True prophets are not trying to win the fancy of men rather they are actively pursuing the approval of God. Jeremiah was one of God’s faithful prophets sent to confront corrupted voices who were ministering to God’s people by another spirit.
  • Every move of God, outpouring, time of refreshing and relevant truth for a particular generation has battled its own particular demonic resistance.
  • To stop the prophetic ministry the enemy must interpose a counterfeit, something that looks and sounds like Christ’s true prophetic ministry but is not.
  • Satan is the master deceiver and knows ancient weapons of seduction needed to deceive all save the most mature and discerning.
  • The devil will oppose prophetic ministry with a release of faux prophets speaking with mystical voices.
  • There will be a separation of true prophets from false prophets into different companies leading to a prophetic confrontation with foreign spirits of divination such as Jezebel and Baal.
  • Spiritual confrontation within prophetic ministry is historic. Examples include Micaiah, Elijah and Jeremiah.
  • Prophetic ministry can’t avoid spiritual confrontations with worldliness, carnal Christianity and false prophetic operations.
  • A brazen heaven is a spiritual climate that must be plowed through strong intercession, militant preaching and right living.
  • Baal is the spirit of divination.
  • It's time for a forward shift. We can no longer sit idly by watching our world sink into moral decay and overcome by false religions. The Church is called to lead change and reform in our nation and throughout the earth. The Kingdom of God is not a future event. The Kingdom of God is here and now.

    Kings are destined for total conquest. This world is desperate for good people like you to enter their kingship as an image-bearer of Christ. Jesus loves this world, and He has made provision for its restoration. You were born a winner. The whole world is waiting for you to exercise your believer’s authority to act like a son of God (Romans 8:19).
    Every member of the human race, whether he knows it or not, is a member of one of two kingdoms: the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness. There is no middle or neutral ground. Scripture declares, “He that is not with me, is against me” (Matthew 12:12).
    As kings (Jesus is King of kings and Ruler of rulers), we need to grab hold of our responsibility by invading this earth with God’s purpose.
    We have a kingship mandate; establish the Kingdom of God, right here and right now. An understanding of the biblical influence and the kingship of every believer is a must. Kings apply God’s Word to the land (Deuteronomy 16 & 17). Scripture uses the terms “salt” and “light” to teach us our responsibility to be proactive, “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt has lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:13-16).
    We provide salt and light around us through kingship influence and by invading our society, and the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom.
    Jesus taught us that the greatest in the Kingdom of God was a servant (Luke 22:26). We can become great servants by getting involved with Kingdom business. We can build schools, hospitals, clinics, banks, media outlets; we can become politically active, involved with international relief efforts, enter the business world, and a myriad of other such things. Tommy Reid in his book "Kingdom Now but Not Yet" said, “The Bible must become more than a handbook of personal salvation. It must become a mandate for the re-establishment of Christ’s rule and reign over the earth and the rebellious portion of the universe over which Satan now asserts dominion.”


    We can no longer sit idly by watching our world sink into moral decay and overcome by false religions. The Church is called to lead change and reform in our nation and throughout the earth (Ephesians 3:10). The Kingdom of God is not a future event but is now. John the Baptist proclaimed the coming Kingdom and Jesus announced its arrival (Matthew 3:2, 4:17; Mark 1:15).
    Like John Calvin, who went to Geneva to “establish the Kingdom of God in a decadent society,” we too must involve ourselves with its establishment. Let’s be like John the Baptist and make ready a people for God (Luke 1:16-17) and like Isaiah who prophesied of the anointing’s purpose to “repair the waste cities that have been trodden down” (Isaiah 61:1-10).
    You are in the Kingdom, and the Kingdom is in you. When you exercise your delegated authority as a king, all other kingdoms must submit. The Kingdom of God can be seen by a demonstration of His Kingship in your life. Jesus said go and tell John the things you both hear and see (Luke 7:18-22). Jesus announced the reestablishment of His Kingship rule and government on earth, and that was only the beginning, now you’re involved.
    Jesus came as the last Adam to regain all His creation, many sons, and the earth. Now, through His priesthood of kings, He is restoring all things back to Himself. What a profound statement. Jesus had a revolutionary ministry. He preached the Kingdom of God, gave His life for the atonement of sin, birthed His Church, and planted a small seed that would grow and grow called the Kingdom of God. What’s beautiful is that you and I, born again believers, can find our place and purpose in life. No longer are we wondering who we are or why we were born. We are a royal priesthood of kings being trained as representatives of His Kingdom government (1 Peter 2:9).
    How exciting to know that you are being equipped to rule and reign with Christ on the earth, right here and right now. Throughout history, God has been restoring truth to His Body, getting us ready to take dominion in His name. Just think about this, it took over 20 centuries to get us to a place where we could receive this truth about the kingship of Christ through His priesthood of kings. Jesus will return to the earth as the Lord (Ruler) Supreme for a glorious Church without spot nor wrinkle, not a defeated shadow lost in the umbers of defeat (Ephesians 5:27). You have been liberated and given talents to affect the world around you (Matthew 25:15). Determine in your heart to do something mighty with them.



    One day John the Baptist was in prison about to lose his life. He sent two disciples to Jesus asking Him, “Are you he that should come, or do we look for another?" Jesus answered saying, “Go and show John again those things which you do hear and see. The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the Gospel preached to them. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me” (Matthew 11:3-6).
    I was wrongly taught that John asked that question because he was having a bad day. He was in a prison filled with discouragement. But Jesus taught us something important about John’s character. Jesus said that John was not like a reed that could be shaken in the wind. John wasn’t staggering in unbelief. John knew who Jesus was. He knew that Jesus was the Messiah, the King of Glory. He knew that Jesus was Immanuel, God with us. John sent these two disciples to ask Jesus why He wasn’t taking dominion. After all, the entire nation was waiting for the Messiah, who would come and release the nation from the strongholds of Roman rule. Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God continually. Even the Pharisees came to Jesus demanding to know when the Kingdom of God would appear (Luke 17:20). In the days of Jesus’ ministry, everyone was looking at Christ’s dominion and missed the cross of Calvary. Today, thousands of Gospel sermons are focused on the cross and miss the Kingdom. We need both. Yes, we need both. When Jesus returns will He find faith? Will He find His bride busy about the Father's business? I believe He will.


    Possessing God’s promises requires a fighting spirit. Don’t accept every thing that comes your way. Submit to God, engage all opposition to Christ’s Kingship through you: invade, occupy and influence. Then, after you have done all, stand rock solid in your faith refusing to break rank. Christ will not fail. You have been predestined for conquest.
    We must stop acting like defeated second class citizens. This earth does not belong to Satan but to Jesus (Psalm 24:1). We are destined for a victorious occupation. Jesus’ prayer will be answered and we will see the establishment of the Kingdom of God on this earth (John 17:15-20). You are part of the army of the Lord and the army of the Lord is invincible. It’s time to beat your plow shares into swords. You are not cursed, but blessed. Jesus didn’t pray the Father to take His disciples out of the world but to protect them from the evil one. He said, “As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world” (John 17:18).
    The apostolic is restoring the truth of a kingship people with a kingship agenda. We are not being equipped to escape this world but to change it. Scripture teaches us the power of conquest in the parable of the leaven.
    “The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened” (Matthew 13:33).
    Notice the leaven didn’t give up and quit, it was progressive in its work and destined to take over the entire meal. We, too, as a priesthood of kings, are destined for total conquest. 

    What an exciting time to be alive. To make that forward shift into kingship start by acknowledging that Jesus has called you to be both salt and light in this world. Don’t put your kingship under a bushel. You are a king because Jesus has made you a king. Now let your light shine. You have a bright future. As you step out in faith, know that you cannot fail. The Father is well pleased to give unto you the Kingdom. You are in the Kingdom and the Kingdom is in you. Arise, king, and give Jesus something to rejoice about.


    Kingship is your path to a rich life full of success and significance. As life battles against you on your journey to Zion, remember what Sir Winston Churchill Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the Second World War said, “Kites rise highest against the wind.” You were born to win. You are a king and you were created for dominion (Genesis 1:28). Push to the front of your calling and bring glory to your father. Jesus made it clear, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my Father” (John 14:12).

  • We have also a more sure word of prophecy] Better, And we have yet more steadfast the prophetic word. The force of the comparative must have its full significance. The “prophetic word” was for the Apostle, taught as he had been in his Master’s school of prophetic interpretation, and himself possessing the prophetic gift, a witness of yet greater force than the voice from heaven and the glory of which he had been an eye-witness. He uses the term in its widest sense, embracing the written prophecies of the Old Testament and the spoken or written prophecies of the New. It is a suggestive fact that the Second Epistle ascribed (though probably wrongly) to Clement of Rome, contains what is given as a quotation from “the prophetic word” (chap. xi), and that that quotation presents a striking parallel to the language of St James on the one hand, and to that of this Epistle on the other. “If we are not servants to the Gospel of God because we believe not the promise, wretched are we. For the prophetic word saith, Wretched are the double-minded, those who doubt in their heart (Jas_1:8); who say, All these things we heard in the days of our fathers, but we, waiting day by day, have seen none of these things” (2Pe_3:4). Was the Apostle referring to a “prophetic word” such as this, which was then actually extant, and was to him and others as the sheet-anchor of their faith? The words quoted by the pseudo-Clement prove the existence of such a document, as held in high authority, and, though the book itself is lost, there is nothing improbable in the thought that the Apostle should refer to it, and the continuous guidance of the Spirit of which it was the token, as confirming all his previous belief, and assuring him that he had not followed cunningly-devised fables nor been the victim of an illusion. In any case we must think of him as referring to the continuous exercise of the prophetic gift, the power to speak words which came to the souls of men as a message from God, which had been given to himself and others. We can scarcely fail to note the identity of thought with that expressed in the Apostle’s speech in Act_2:16-21.
    whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place] Better, as to a torch shining in a gloomy place. It may be noted (1) that the “torch shining” is precisely the term applied by our Lord (“the burning and the shining light,” Joh_5:35) to John the Baptist as the last in the long line of the prophets of the older covenant; and (2) that the Greek word for “dark” or “gloomy” (not found elsewhere in the New Testament) is applied strictly to the squalor and gloom of a dungeon. Interpreting the word, we find in the “gloomy place” the world in which the lot of the disciples was as yet cast. For them the “prophetic word,” written or spoken, was as a torch casting its beams athwart the murky air, preparing the way for a radiance yet brighter than its own.

    until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts] The imagery reminds us of that of Rom_13:12 (“the night is far spent, the day is at hand”), but with a very marked and manifest difference. In St Paul’s thoughts the “day” is identical with the coming of the Lord, as an objective fact; the close of the world’s “night” of ignorance and darkness. Here the addition of the words “and the day star arise in your hearts” fixes its meaning as, in some sense, subjective. The words point accordingly to a direct manifestation of Christ to the soul of the believer as being higher than the “prophetic word,” as that, in its turn, had been higher than the attestation of the visible glory and the voice from heaven. So understood, the passage presents an interesting parallelism with the “marvellous light” of 1Pe_2:9, as also with the “day-spring from on high” of Luk_1:78. The word for “day star,” the morning star (literally, Lucifer, the light-bearer), the star that precedes and accompanies the rising of the sun, is not found elsewhere in the New Testament or in the LXX., but it is identical in meaning with the “bright and morning star” of Rev_2:28; Rev_22:16, and the use of the same image by the two Apostles indicates that it had come to be recognised as a symbolic name of the Lord Jesus as manifested to the souls of His people.


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