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New Depths in God by Praying in the Spirit

       Acts 6:4; “We shall be persevering to THE prayer and the service of THE saying (Logos). “
 1cor. 14:4a-He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself;
                                                                  NT Greek Interlinear
The Early Christians understood that they could not neglect prayer. They were a praying church and how great and mighty things they achieved in prayer. Even when they became very busy in ministry, they did not allow business to get in the way of prayer. I want you to notice in the literal text it says, “We will persevere and give ourselves to the prayer…” Pay attention to the words ‘the prayer’, not just a prayer. It was a definite article meaning a determiner that introduces a noun phrase and implies that the thing mentioned has already been mentioned and was common knowledge. The Early Church comprehended that ‘praying in tongues’ was the prayer. Praying in tongues was known as the prayer. There are many kinds of prayers in the Scripture but Tongues is the ultimate prayer in the New Testament. The Early Church gave much time and attention to it. This was common knowledge to the early disciples and it should be so in the modern church.
Prayer, especially praying in tongues, is a vital aspect to our spiritual growth, walking in the supernatural and being sensitive in the spirit. There is no way around it! If you want to grow in the anointing, it is imperative that you become a person of prayer. Jesus was a man of prayer, as was the Apostle Paul. The Early Church was birthed and based on prayer. The Holy Writ shows that prayer and specially ‘tongues’ played a very prominent role in the life of the Early Church and it must play a prominent role in your life.
If you want to grow in the anointing, it is imperative that you become a person of prayer.
One of the greatest ministers who ever graced this earth was Reverend John G. Lake. Although he went through terrible hardships, he was a world shaker. What was the secret to John G. Lake’s deep revelations, extraordinary manifestations, and the success of his ministry? Here is an excerpt from his own mouth; “I want to talk with the utmost frankness and say to you, that tongues have been the making of my ministry. It is that peculiar communication with God when God reveals to my soul the truth I utter to you day by day in the ministry. Many times, I climb out of bed, take my pencil and pad, and jot down the beautiful things of God, the wonderful things of God that He talks out in my spirit and reveals to my heart.” Notice these words: “Tongues have been the making of my ministry.” Tongues will be the making of your life. Another great man who knew the power of praying in tongues was Smith Wigglesworth. He was an uneducated plumber who, when he partook of the blessing of tongues, was transformed into the Apostle of Faith. The miracles, boldness, and manifestation of the supernatural became evident in his life and ministry. The church and the world are waiting for end time apostles who will be carriers of power and deliverance. You can be so as you develop the habit of praying in tongues! Apart from the obvious and common knowledge ones, let me list two benefits that you will enjoy as you partake of this marvelous blessing:

1. Praying in tongues strengthening your inner self with might.
Ephesians 3:16 tells us, “That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man.”

The Weymouth New Testament words it like this, “To grant you-in accordance with the wealth of His glorious perfections-to be strengthened by His Spirit with power penetrating to your inmost being.” To strengthen means “to make stronger.” It also means “to increase in strength and force.” According to the Apostle Paul, when you pray in tongues, you are strengthening or fortifying your spirit man with might. Obviously, he would know more about the might of tongues, as he declared to the Corinthian saints that he prayed in tongues more than them all (see 1 Cor. 14:18). The word ‘might’ is the Greek word ‘dunamis’ and it means “miracle power and explosive power.” The more you pray in the Spirit, the more you are increasing in spiritual force on the inside of you. The more you pray in tongues, the more explosive power and miraculous power are growing inside of you. How
can you be depressed when the strength of God is within you? Just like barbells will build up your arms, praying in tongues will build up your spirit. When you r spirit is strong, it will help to keep that flesh body of yours in line. The more you pray in the Spirit, the more you are increasing in spiritual force within.
2. Praying in tongues is part of the offensive of the armor of God. It is the lance that will shoot down the enemy.
Just like barbells will build up your arms, praying in tongues will build up your spirit.
Ephesians 6:13-18; “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”
“The whole armor of God”: Pay attention to the words ‘whole armor’ referring to the Greek word panoplia, meaning “whole, complete set.” It was a word used to depict the full armor of a hoplite or heavily-armed Roman soldier. Whenever the Roman soldier would put on his full armor, there were seven things that he would put on. The Apostle Paul listed all the other Roman weaponries by name except for the lance. No Roman panoply would be complete without the lance. Since six is “the number of man” and seven is “the number of God”, seven stands for completion. That is why in the Old Testament we see and read of the seven feasts of Israel, seven sacrifices, seven furnitures of the tabernacle, seven lamps of the candlestick, seven pillars of wisdom, and seven cities of refuge, to name a few. The New Testament, specifically the Book of Revelation talks of the seven churches, Seven Spirits of God, seven golden candlesticks, seven starts, seven lamps of fire, seven seals, seven horns and seven trumpets, to name a few.
God does things in sevens, and the seventh weaponry of the armor of God is the lance of prayer in the Spirit. The Roman lance was called a pilum.
It was the typical legionary weapon together with the short sword gladius. It was designed to penetrate the shield as well as the soldier holding it, and to bend upon impact o make it unusable for another opponent. The pilum was used for long distances by throwing it, and for shorter distances they would use it to charge. It was a very offensive weapon. Praying in tongues is an aggressive and offensive weapon to put holes in the cover of the devil. The lance of tongues is designed to paralyze the movements of the devil against your life. No wonder the devil fights tongues so much, as it causes great harm in his kingdom. When Peter’s life was threatened by Herod, the church tapped into “the unceasing prayer of tongues’ and reversed the death sentence and demonic assignment. Tongues will make your progress unstoppable! Pray in tongues!
                                                                101 NUGGETS OF TRUTH
1. Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural.
2. Tongues is the prayer in the New Testament.
3. Tongues is a direct line to talking to God.
4. Tongues is the believer’s direct access to the throne room.
5. Tongues is speaking divine mysteries divine coded secrets.
6. Tongues is drawing secrets to life’s complicated issues.
7. Tongues is prophesying your God-ordained future.
8. Tongues is praying out God’s plan for your life.
9. Tongues is knowledge, counsel and secrets withheld from the wicked.
10. Tongues is the entrance into the realm of the spirit the miraculous zone.
11. Tongues is strengthening your inner man with might.
12. Tongues keeps you spiritually fit.
13. Tongues is praying things that have been concealed to be revealed.
14. Tongues is decreeing the rhemas of God.
15. Tongues pulls you from the past into the future.
16. Tongues is home improvement and a source of spiritual edification.
17. Tongues is building a strong premise to carry the anointing.
18. Tongues builds and stimulates your faith.
19. Tongues gives you unstoppable progress that your enemies cannot deny.
20. Tongues is giving praise and thanksgiving well unto God.
21. Tongues lines you up with the divine will of God.
22. Tongues is speaking the language and will of God.
23. Tongues is help with your ultimate weakness.
24. Tongues is the ultimate assistance in prayer.
25. Tongues qualifies all things to work for your good.
26. Tongues readies you to be God-inside minded.
27. Tongues makes you miracle-minded.
28. Tongues magnifies God.
29. Tongues enlarges your perspective of God’s
potency in your life.
30. Tongues give spiritual refreshing and rest.
31. Tongues home your sharpness and accuracy
in the anointing.
32. Tongues facilitates the entrance into the gifts of the Spirit.
33. Tongues equips you for the wonders of God.
34. Tongues is fine-tuning and sensitizing your spirit man to the voice of God.
35. Tongues is assistance to bring your natural tongue under subjection.
36. Tongues develops intimacy with the Holy Ghost.
37. Tongues is your private conversation with God.
38. Tongues is deep calling unto deep.
39. Tongues accesses revelation knowledge.
40. Tongues taps into the mind of God.
41. Tongues opens the Scriptures to you from a divine perspective rather than an intellectual standpoint.
42. Tongues is part of the armor of God, the lance that will shoot down the enemy.
43. Tongues is the pilum to cause great damage to the kingdom of darkness.
44. Tongues helps you to develop your prayer life.
45. Tongues synchronizes you with the timing of God.
46. Tongues is alignment with the assignment of God.
47. Tongues is a door of utterance and boldness.
48. Tongues is the Holy Spirit searching your heart and praying through you the perfect will of God.
49. Tongues is pulling treasure out of you.
50. Tongues is leaning upon God.
51. Tongues is blowing the ram’s horn for battle.
52. Tongues is the rallying sound of victory.
53. Tongues is releasing angels on heavenly assignments to change earthly situations.
54. Tongues is brainstorming session with God.
55. Tongues taps into the creativity of Elohim.
56. Tongues overrules and overturns death assignments against your life.
57. Tongues reverses demonic assignments against your well-being.
58. Tongues removes you from the limitations of the flesh to God’s abundant supply of the Spirit.
59. Tongues is making demands upon the power of God.
60. Tongues enables a closer walk with God.
61. Tongues is speaking the hidden wisdom of God.
62. Tongues is the beginning of being led by the Holy Spirit.
63. Tongues is living supernaturally in a natural world.
64. Tongues opens the heavens and charges the atmosphere.
65. Tongues is the release of the manifested presence of God in your life.
66. Tongues is getting drunk on the new wine of the Holy Ghost.
67. Tongues is pouring in the oil and wine of the Holy Ghost.
68. Tongues are life filled words, faith filled words and anointed filled words.
69. Tongues lights the fire of God in your life.
70. Tongues delivers you from the scourge of the tongue.
71. Tongues is unlocking every closed prison door in your life.
72. Tongues is well springing up into Zoe-God kind of life.
73. Tongues is the beginning and the maintaining of partnership with the Holy Spirit.
74. Tongues is Koinonia with the Parakletos.
75. Tongues is releasing the winds of God to blow in your life.
76. Tongues is the wind in your sail.
77. Tongues is the wind beneath your wings.
78. Tongues unleashes the winds of revival and refreshing in your life.
79. Tongues is refilling empty vessels.
80. Tongues is spirit -to-Spirit communication.
81. Tongues helps in living effectively in the last days.
82. Tongues is the ignition key to walking in the power of God.
83. Tongues is being endued with power from on high.
84. Tongues is rivers of living waters flowing out of you.
85. Tongues is drinking from the river and reservoir of God.
86. Tongues is serving God from your spirit.
87. Tongues enables you to perform your priestly duties.
88. Tongues is building your image of God in you and confidence.
89. Tongues is expressing, enforcing and declaring the will of God in your life and the earth.
90. Tongues is extracting answers from the indwelling Spirit to solve life’s problems.
91. Tongues is praying from your spirit.
92. Tongues is giving your spirit ascendency and power over of the flesh.
93. Tongues aids you to mortify the deeds and evil cravings of the flesh.
94. Tongues connects the intercession of the Holy Sprit with your great High Priest Jesus.
95. Tongues is the highest form of the prayer of agreement.
96. Tongues is the divine agreement of the prayers of our earthly and heavenly intercessor with the plans of God.
97. Tongues is the threefold cord that will not be broken.
98. Tongues is ministering to yourself, to the Lord and unto others.
99. Tongues is worshiping the Father in spirit and in truth.
100. Tongues charges your spiritual battery.
101. Tongues makes you God-friendly rather than seeker-friendly, confuses the devil and ignites revival.


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