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Showing posts from May, 2021

Gate Keepers of His Presence- James Goll

  Gate Keepers of His Presence- James Goll The Importance of Gates We will be looking at the subject of opening the gates in the realm of the spirit. In the natural, gates are used for two primary purposes: To keep things or persons out by being closed. To let things or persons in by being open. As it is in the natural, so it is as well in the spiritual. From the Life of Abraham Gen. 22: 14-18 –  Indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens, as the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies. And in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice. Gal. 3:16 –  Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. He does not say, “and to seeds,” as referring to many, but rather to one, “and to your seed,” that is, Christ. It is through Christ that you are blessed. The power of the blessing will flow to such an extent that the power of...

Sow in Tears for Kingdom Labour

  THOSE WHO SOW IN TEARS.... In 1921 David and Svea Flood went with their two-year-old son from Sweden to the heart of Africa, to what was then called the Belgian Congo. This missionary couple met up with the Ericksons, another young Scandinavian couple, and the four of them sought God for direction. In those days of much devotion and sacrifice, they felt led of the Lord to set out from the main mission station to take the gospel to the village of N’dolera, a remote area. This was a huge step of faith. There, they were rebuffed by the chief, who would not let them enter his town for fear of alienating the local gods. The two couples opted to build their own mud huts half a mile up the slope. They prayed for a spiritual breakthrough, but there was none. Their only contact with the villagers was a young boy, who was allowed to sell them chickens and eggs twice a week. Svea Flood—a tiny woman only four feet, eight inches tall—decided that if this was the only African she could talk to...

Prayer & Prophetic Congress- Special Invitation

 Prayer & Prophetic Congress- Special Invitation There is a growing hunger in the Body of Christ for a deeper relationship with Jesus and to experience more of the Holy Spirit’s power and the full manifest expression of his Glory. The prayer and Prophetic Dimension of Victorious Intercession edifies the body of Christ to walk out practical expressions of the compassion and justice of the Kingdom of God. The Spirit is raising up the most powerful prayer and Prophetic movement in the Global Church that will Quicken up the Harvest, which will result in the greatest outpouring of his Spirit with Great Apostolic signs and wonders (Joel 2:28–31).  For all eternity, the redeemed will be called the house of prayer by God Himself (Isa. 56:7). This refers to our function as a praying people. The dynamic of believing prayer is that God speaks and moves our hearts, then we speak and move His heart to release His power. Join this Maiden Edition of our Non denominational Prayer and Prop...