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Showing posts from August, 2018


“CALLED TO PRODUCE FRUIT IN KEEPING WITH REPENTANCE” (LUKE 3:8) John’s message had a twofold emphasis. (i) The imminent appearance of the Messianic kingdom. (ii) The imminent appearance to prepare for this event. He proclaimed an exhibition of repentance in the affairs of ordinary life and wanted his audience to show it in their daily relationship with one another. He therefore has an answer for every group of people who cared to how and what was expected of them (Luke 3:10 – 14). Let us first of all look at the three key words in this theme “CALLED TO PRODUCE FRUIT IN KEEPING WITH REPENTANCE” (LUKE 3:8) 1. REPENTANCE The world “CALLED” is derived from the Greek word “Kaleo”. In practical terms, fruit represent good works, a thought, attitude or action that God values because it glorifies Him. You produce inner fruit when you allow God to nurture in you a new Christ-like quality. You produce outward fruit when you allow God to work through you to bring Him glory. Th...


UNDERSTANDING SPIRITUAL GIFTS WHAT ARE SPIRITUAL GIFTS? The word "spiritual" means "characterized or controlled by the Holy Spirit." A "gift" is something freely given from one person to another. A spiritual gift is a supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to a believer to minister as part of the Body of Christ. There is a difference between the "gift" of the Holy Spirit and "gifts" of the Holy Spirit. The "gift" of the Holy Spirit occurred at Pentecost (Acts 2) when the Holy Spirit came in answer to the promise of Jesus: And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter...Even the Spirit of truth...(John 14:16-17a) The "gift" of the Holy Spirit has already been given in answer to this promise. "Gifts" of the Holy Spirit are supernatural abilities the Holy Spirit gives believers to enable effective ministry: And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working wi...