And immediately, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove. (Mark 1:10) The Holy Spirit doesn’t seek to be mysterious, but He is the most mysterious of the Godhead. We can read in the Word about the Father, and we can read about the Son who came and walked among us. But Jesus tells us that when the Spirit comes, He will not speak of Himself; that “whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come” (John 16:13 KJV). The workings of the Holy Spirit are invisible, glorious, and gentle, and within them, He never tells us about Himself. He comes to glorify Jesus—helping us to see Jesus more, to understand Jesus better, to respond to Jesus more obediently, and to love Jesus with a deeper heart of commitment. So the symbols of the Holy Spirit become essential to our gaining an understanding of what He’s like, not only in an objective way of analyzing truth, but also in the subjective way...
The Mandate: Evang. Chukwuebuka S. Ezeokoli is an Electronic Engineer and Healing Evangelist, Called after the apostolic Multi-dimensional Order, for the impartation, activation and Release of the Full Power of the kingdom of God by the El-Shaddai for the Glorious Great Awakening of the End Time. Vision: Arise in the Power of the Holy Ghost under the Transforming power of the El-shaddai and Transform Nations.