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Showing posts from September, 2016

In his Presence-Spiritual Perception

Carried Like Hot Coals of Fire Leviticus 16:12  tells us that after the sacrifice had been presented on the Brazen Altar, the priests took a censor (a fancy, silver shovel) full of burning hot coals from that altar, and carried them into the Holy Place where they laid them on the Incense Altar. The ritual of carrying the hot coals from the Brazen Altar to the Incense Altar connected the two altars. The hot coals of fire that fed the Brazen Altar were the  same coals  of fire that burned the incense on the Golden Altar. As we mentioned previously, the wholly burnt offering on the Brazen Altar testified of the acceptance of the offerer, just like the live coal on the Incense Altar demonstrated that all sin (and self) had been purged. The resulting incense cloud and aroma that then arose was pleasing to God. The service of sanctification for the priests  began  by presenting a sacrifice on the Brazen Altar in the Inner Court and  ended  by the...

Sweet Influences of the Spirit

Sweet Influences of the Spirit John 15:26Amplified Bible (AMP) 26 “But when the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby) comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of Truth who comes from the Father, He will testify and bear witness about Me. We soak, we sow, and then the Spirit flows! This is how we experience God’s power in our lives. Many Christians today have heard about the Holy Spirit, but they have not encountered him in a life-changing way. When we first ask Jesus into our lives, the Holy Spirit flows his life into our mortal bodies. The Spirit’s work begins in us when we first receive Christ into our lives: “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you” (Romans 8:11, ESV). This sets the stage for us to flow with the Spirit in our everyday lives. It is the Holy Spirit t...

Ministerial advice on Ministry by Charles finney

A WISE MINISTER WILL BE SUCCESSFUL   TEXT. --He that winneth souls is wise. --PROVERBS xi. 30. I PREACHED last Friday evening from the same text, on the method of dealing with sinners by private Christians. My object at this time is to take up the more public means of grace, with particular reference to the DUTIES OF MINISTERS. As I observed in my last lecture, wisdom is the choice and pursuit of the best end by the most appropriate means. The great end for which the Christian Ministry was appointed, is to glorify God in the salvation of souls. In speaking on this subject I propose to show, I. That a right discharge of the duties of a minister requires great wisdom. II. That the amount of success in the discharge of his duties (other things being equal) decides the amount of wisdom employed by him in the exercise of his office. I. I am to show that a right discharge of the duties of a minister requires great wisdom. 1. On account of the opposition it enco...