Gal 4:18 But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when I am present with you. Gal 4:19 My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, In 1952 Albert Einstein was asked by a Princeton doctoral student what was left in the world for original dissertation research? Einstein replied, ‘Find out about prayer.’ English preacher Sidlow Baxter, when he was eighty five years of age, said, ‘I have pastored only three churches in my more than sixty years of ministry. We had revival in every one. And not one of them came as a result of my preaching. They came as a result of the membership entering into a covenant to pray until revival came. And it did come, every time’ (Willhite 1988:111). Chaplain of the United States Senate, Richard Halverson, advised that we really don’t have any alternative to prayer. He says, ‘You can organize until you are exhausted. You can plan, program and subsidise all you...
The Mandate: Evang. Chukwuebuka S. Ezeokoli is an Electronic Engineer and Healing Evangelist, Called after the apostolic Multi-dimensional Order, for the impartation, activation and Release of the Full Power of the kingdom of God by the El-Shaddai for the Glorious Great Awakening of the End Time. Vision: Arise in the Power of the Holy Ghost under the Transforming power of the El-shaddai and Transform Nations.