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Showing posts from July, 2015

Redigging the Well of Revival

                                                         Reopening the Wells of the Fathers                                                                            Genesis 26:18 18 Isaac reopened the wells that had been dug in the time of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham died, and he gave them the same names his father had given them. Abraham, after wandering here and there, lived in Beersheba where he made an altar and called upon the name of the LORD. Genesis 21:33 33 Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called upon the name of the LORD, the Eternal God. Sometime after Abraham’s ...

Operating by the Powers of the Age to Come

                                                               POWERS OF THE AGE TO COME                                               Our Unchanging God In our attempts to try to return to or restore first century Christianity we have emphasized many aspects of the life of the early Church, such as body life, love and care for one another, government and other aspects of the early believers. While all of these are wonderful and we need to have them restored, one of the areas that we seem to pass over is the way that the Lord manifested His power in signs, wonders, miracles, healing, and deliverance. This is what provided the vitality to their daily living. They walked with a present tense, active God that ...

Take it by Force by Dea warford

                                                                                                   Take It By Force                                                                    by Dea Warford "From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and violent take it by force" (Matt. 11:12. Violence and force are not words we often think of in Christianity. But, there they are, big as life, spoken by the Lord himself. A powerful truth, often eluded by the church, is contained in this verse. For about three centuries there was great ...

Archbishop Benson Idahosa: Raise the Dead

Mobilization for Kingdom Impact

              RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS Supernatural : The wonderful name of Jesus by E. W Kenyon & The Holy Spirit and His Gifts by Kenneth E. Hagin The Ministry Gifts : The Ministry Gifts by Kenneth E. Hagin & He gave Gifts unto men is by Kenneth E. Hagin Evangelism & Mission : Biblical Foundations & Contemporary Strategies of Missions by Gailyn Van Rheenen Healing Video : How to heal the sick by Charles & Frances Hunter CM 101 – SUPERNATURAL SERIES CLASS 1 – THE COMPONENTS OF SUPERNATURAL LIVING Objective: To instruct on the plan, purpose and tools of God for supernatural living Outline: 􀂾 Introduction 􀂾 The name of Jesus 􀂾 The Gifts of the Spirit 􀂾 Vital Truths on Spiritual Gifts 􀂾 The ministry of Angels 􀂾 Visions and Revelations 􀂾 Supernatural Vs Spectacular Introduction The word Supernatural means above and beyond the natural. It speaks of a world t...